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'Ello love,

It's been a while, I know. How have you been? We've completed the first quarter of the year already and so much has happened, hasn't it? How is your 2024 story unfolding?

It's been a year of reflections, realisations, adjustments and opportunities for me so far. I vowed that I would make myself available for opportunities this year and I also vowed not to try to control where they came from or what shape they came, because we do that don't we? I also promised I would do the work because without the work, the intention can be fruitless.

So, what have I been up to that might resonate with you or help you? Well first BIG things first, I've been writing...a lot! I've been hatching something. I have two of my own books underway but I've also had the joy of writing for an incredible collaboration that is about to be announced very soon. I have joined 21 other incredible coaches, therapists, healers, lightworkers in creating a book that is genuinely going to change lives. Not just the lives of the readers, but the lives of those of us who have contributed to it too.

The Phoenix Rising will be published on 24th April and is a collection of the most incredible real life inspirational stories of overcoming adversity, of survival and of real transformation, brought together by my beautiful friend and gifted spiritual coach Aishling Mooney who is also one of the writers. We have all opened our hearts, laid our souls bare, and bravely told our stories and shared our skills, gifts and learnings. Why? Because all the writers have faced challenges, trauma and healing and have helped others transform and heal for years! We passionately want to share with you, what we can offer you that will help you to unpick, understand, rewrite and transform your own story.

I have cried, held my breath and had my mind completely blown hearing some of the other stories in this powerful collection, and I have learned. I've learned so much about myself:

• That I still have healing to do.

• That I'm stronger than I think.

• That I'm proud of myself for surviving, for doing the work I've done and for finding the

courage to share my story so that I can help others with theirs.

Most of all though, I've learned that:

• Power comes in a collective.

• None of us are meant to journey alone.

• Having the right support is absolutely crucial.

• I have access to the most gifted group of people that can help me with, and become a

part of, my own story.

• Connecting to other people's stories, can help to heal and transform your own.

This collaboration has been the most eye opening and healing experience and has filled me with inspiration, motivation and joy. Imagine what it might do for you when you read it!

Keep your eyes on your inbox and my socials because you'll be the first to know when the book is launched on 24th April, and there will be some unbelievable bonuses available if you're an early buyer. Pop over and join Aishling's group, the Angel Circle Community to get all the info and be ahead of the launch.

I'll be back with more about what I've been upto soon but meanwhile, if you want some support with uncovering, editing and rewriting your story, you know where to find me. NEVER be afraid to reach out.

Much love, Michele x Places we can connect...

Get the book:  Your Path to Freedom

Private Facebook Group: Words and Woowoo


Instagram: @MicheleHenshawCoach and @WordsandWooWoo


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