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THERE'S A HOLE IN THE UNIVERSE that only you can fill


Did you know that there’s a huge YOU shaped hole in the universe? Yup.

You see, you are not here by accident. None of us are. Each of us is designed to fit a metaphorical hole in the universe that only we can fill. We each have reason and a purpose for being here. In fact, we were ONLY put here for that reason and that purpose. And more than that, there is NO ONE, not one single other living being, that can fill or fulfil that purpose, that mission. You Life Path has already been created for you and is lying untrodden, just waiting for you and your unique footprint.

YOU are truly unique in ways you’re probably yet to discover. But, maybe you already have an inkling about that, right? You know that feeling deep down somewhere that you can’t quite reach or fathom? Yep, that’s it. That’s your purpose, your calling.

Now, you may think this is all a bit woo woo and out there. And you may think that’s odd coming from someone with over 30 years experience of running corporate businesses, running my own business and coaching and mentoring others to set up, design and grow their own businesses. But here’s the thing…the REALLY IMPORTANT thing. Ready?


The true key to a successful, fulfilling, rewarding life, full to the brim with all the things you spend your every spare moment thinking about…freedom, time with those you love, a meaningful relationship, a successful passion based business, money in the bank, confidence, real friendships.

If I had known, 30 years ago what I know now, well, let’s just say I probably wouldn’t be sat here at my laptop typing this! Don’t get me wrong, this is MY purpose, my mission and I’m definitely filling a Michele shaped hole in the universe, I can tell you. And I genuinely, from my heart, wouldn’t have it any other way. But, the journey here may have been a whole heap more straightforward, less challenging and traumatic for sure.

There are many many things I’ve learned over the last 52 years (well, about 40 years in terms of my journey to my purpose), but one thing stands out above the others. If you don’t discover, recognise and realise your calling. If you don’t accept that you’re here for a reason. If you don’t accept that there’s a purpose to your being here that is WAY bigger than you, you will likely feel like a Mildred shaped peg in a Phyllis shaped hole all your life. You know what I mean, right? (Btw, there’s a reason I chose those names that I’ll share with you another time).

And, woo woo as it may sound, my biggest, most profound learning was that when you live ‘on purpose’, walking your own Life Path, all the until now, separated parts of yourself, come beautifully together and everything starts to fit in to place, to feel right. Because it’s how it’s meant to be. It's what you are meant to do.

So, stop fighting it. As the wonderful Kurt Cobain put it, “Wanting to be someone else is a waste of who you are.” And who would be brave enough to argue with that geezer if he was still around? But seriously, isn’t it time to stop trying to fit a shape you’re not designed to fit?

It's time to Walk your own Life Path.

Want me to show you how to find and live it? Book a chat with me about how Life Path Design can help you and whether it’s a fit for you. If it isn't, I'll tell you. No force fits in my universe.



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